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our story

I started sketching clothes as a 2nd grader in Mumbai. Eventually, I focused my passion for design into the blueprints for buildings rather than garments and became an architect. But I’ve always found outlets for my love of fashion. In college, I flexed my apparel-designer muscles in Cornell Design League’s annual fashion shows. In my own wardrobe, I’ve spent years experimenting and taking risks. Over time, I’ve homed in on the things I believe make fashion feel the most authentic and satisfying: natural textiles | rich patterns | bold color play | mature shape-making | delicate & diverse ornament. I’ve also found that while these elements are sparse in mainstream fashion retail, they are abundant in the contemporary fashion domains of India and Japan.

And so the idea for ZAHA MILA was born. Our mission is as simple as it is empowering: by creating an avenue and local landing space for the East’s experimental sense of style, we can broaden its reach and make avant-garde fashion accessible here in the West.

our goal

ZAHA MILA is a rotating collection of wearables and lifestyle goods, meticulously curated into a boutique retail haven for the globally-inspired.

All of you looking for some edge—this is for you! here, you can push the boundaries of your vibe without compromising comfort ... and make it look effortless :)

This is the place where avant-garde finds a place in the everyday.